Week 7-Reflect and Perfect

This is the week to put it all together and polish the project.  I think we have a great foundation and we have worked hard on putting the project together.  With the feedback we  receive we will be able to make the project sound.  One part of this week that is important and helpful to learning is giving feedback to others.  I found that many things that they have missed we have too.  It’s an effective process for learning.  Even though the PBL process is coming to and end, we have been asked to consider these important questions:

  • Who will you involve in the process?
    Since I teamed up with another classmate we will work together to provide feedback on a project.  I was able to find another student that was willing to review our project and gave some excellent feedback.
  • What will your process look like?
    We used a rubric provided and discussed through a forum.  I also gave my opinion based on the rubric of how to improve the project.
  • Is it just a one-time assessment?
    In this case it is for us.  I’m sure the project will continue to be improved and assessed but for the purposes of this class it will be a solitary one.
Categories: -5.1 Problem Analysis, -5.4 Long-Range Planning, Reflections | Tags: | Leave a comment

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